From time to time humans creat systems that will help the crowd remain in this planet a little longer.
Usually there is a system and a counter system, something like yin and yang. Socialism was oposed by Captalism for many decades, until it finally colapsed due to its lack of sustainability.
It seems Yang got stronger, so strong that after finishing its oponent it it started to destroy itself.
Davos, is a small town in switzerland with a little over eleven thousand people, that is holding the World Economic Forum. Population increased into some 5.000 well dressed ladies and gentlemen.
The top leaders are gathered together to face reality, or Wealthy concentration like we never had before on this planet.
Poverty is getting to the heart of Capitalism, wich will now be leaded by someone who is completely out of the curve. One of system's garbage.
China is ready to respond commercial war, Europe is packed with immigrants running away from misery, Brazil and Argentina are in a deep recession. Venezuela is no more what a nation can be. Japan and Scandinavia are having negative population growth, Curruption and Crime are
attacking from South to North. Stock of virgins is running out in Paradise.
Money is flowing into one direction only. Bad sign.
Here in Brazil we can still produce food to supply large parts of the World, but, will their leaders afford to distribute it ?
Yin is growing again, not in a form of Socialism, but in a form of hunger. People is dieing of starvation next door to US$10,00 meal restaurants.
What comes next ?
Portinari's Emmigrants, 1944
Usually there is a system and a counter system, something like yin and yang. Socialism was oposed by Captalism for many decades, until it finally colapsed due to its lack of sustainability.
It seems Yang got stronger, so strong that after finishing its oponent it it started to destroy itself.
Davos, is a small town in switzerland with a little over eleven thousand people, that is holding the World Economic Forum. Population increased into some 5.000 well dressed ladies and gentlemen.
The top leaders are gathered together to face reality, or Wealthy concentration like we never had before on this planet.
Poverty is getting to the heart of Capitalism, wich will now be leaded by someone who is completely out of the curve. One of system's garbage.
China is ready to respond commercial war, Europe is packed with immigrants running away from misery, Brazil and Argentina are in a deep recession. Venezuela is no more what a nation can be. Japan and Scandinavia are having negative population growth, Curruption and Crime are

Money is flowing into one direction only. Bad sign.
Here in Brazil we can still produce food to supply large parts of the World, but, will their leaders afford to distribute it ?
Yin is growing again, not in a form of Socialism, but in a form of hunger. People is dieing of starvation next door to US$10,00 meal restaurants.
What comes next ?
Portinari's Emmigrants, 1944

De um uma Nação de produtores rurais desde o Rio Grande do Sul até o Rio Grande do Norte, da Bahia à Rondônia, cada estado com suas vocações, vimos surgir a mais farta mesa de alimentos do Planeta. Isso é inegável.
A tecnificação com que o Brasil se desenvolveu após a Revolução Verde a partir da década de 50 no século passado, até os novos conceitos 30 anos após, colocou o Brasil no topo da produção de proteínas animais e vegetais.
No rastro vieram os biocombustíveis, o refloretamento e indústria de celulose, a relocação das culturas para as áreas de maior aptidão, e um novo estilo de vida emplacado pelo êxodo rural.
Os então agora netos da população rural, migrados para as cidades e sem o contato com a vida rural se tornaram apenas consumidores de alimentos , sem muita relação com a origem.
Tudo que não se conhece se torna estranho à cultura e aos costumes, então a nova classe de pensadores urbanos, desconectados com o campo se põe a criticar.
Temos algumas situações Macro no Brasil, umas geográficas outras produzidas. A gigante e desconhecida Amazônia, e a gigante e conhecida produção de grãos, são colocadas erroneamente em confronto.
Os críticos do Agronegócio entendem que esse as pessoas envolvidas com esse nome querem derrubar a Amazônia, aplicar veneno no solo e nas águas, matar populações indígenas e aumentar seu latifúndios grilando áreas, em forma de posse e ocupação irregular.
Os defensores do Agro sabem que a média das propriedades agrícolas estão em torno de 70 hectares, com as mais diferentes culturas, aplicando as melhores e possíveis técnicas agrícolas e pecuárias, sendo que a maioria do leite produzido no Brasil vem de vacas mestiças e os alimentos agricultura familiar.
Então o que está em choque ? A definição do que é o quê.
Agronegócio é diferente de agricultura familiar ? Não.
Tudo que é produzido a partir de agricultura, seja ela em amplas terras, seja ela em estufas ou pequenos sítios e comercializado é negócio. Quando há transação em dinheiro ou em escambo, é negócio, se é do Agro e é negócio, é Agronegócio.
Não importa se você é onívoro ou vegano, se você se alimentou de algo que não produziu, agradeça a quem produziu, agradeça ao Agro, ao Agronegócio.
Vamos rever nossos conceitos ?

As a nations of farmers, from Soth to North, East to West, each state with its talent, we watched apear the largest food table in this Planet. It can't be denied.
Technification with which Brasil developed after the Green Revolution from the 50s last century, up to new preservation concepts taken 30 years ago, has placed Brasil on top of Animal and Vegetal protein producer in the World.
Following that we had the bio-fuels, reforesting, paper industry and culture relocation to new areas wwith more aptitude and with a new lifestyle promoted by rural exodus.
The so now grandchildren of rural population, migrated to the cities with no contact with rural life have become simple food consumers with little relation with origins.
Everything you don't know becomes strange to your culture and costumes, so the new class of urban thinkers, disconected with the field are put to critics.
We have some Macro situations in Brazil, some geographics others man produced. The Giant and yet not known Amazon and the Gieant and known food production are wrongly put in confront to each other.
Agribusiness criticists understand that people evolved on this only want to put the jungle down, poison soil and waters, kill Indian populations and increase the size of their areas by taking it irregularly.
Agri supporters know that the average size of a rural property in Brazil is 70 hectares holding the most different sorts of cultures and livestock, applying the best possible techniques, knowing that most of the milk produced are from grazing crossbred cos and family business farming.

Is agribusiness different from family farming ? No.
Everything that is produced from agriculture, from large farms to small glass houses and small farms is business. When there is a money or exchange of goods transaction, it is business. If is is Agri and it is business, it is Agribusiness.
It doesn't matter if you are onivorous or veganist, if you fed yourself with something you did not produce, thank those who have produced it, thank the Agri, to Agribusiness.
Shall we rethink our models ?

Não apenas entre os Socialistas, aos quais em sendo, os ousou desafiar, Mário Soares foi elo de ligação entre os povos.
O "pai da democracia portuguesa" pôde de alguma forma ser comparado ao nosso Ulisses Guimarães, que aqui lutava pelas "diretas já", enquanto Mário Soares em sendo Europeísta, participou da luta contra o autoritarismo no Brasil com a mesma veemência que lutou pela descolonização da África Portuguesa.
Desde o Timor Leste, nação que só existe graças aos seus muitos esforços, até o Brasil, passando por Índia e Africa, o ex-Presidente Português deu ao Antigo Império Português um nome comum para que pudéssemos nos referenciar. Foi sem dúvidas, no campo político, o maior líder português do último século.
Boa viagem, Vossa Alteza.